

Companies are owned by shareholders but managed and run by a board of directors. A shareholder has no insight in the workings of a company but may receive Annual Financial Statements. The duty to have these Annual Financial Statements prepared rests with the directors of the company. With directors thus running the company and preparing financial statements, shareholders have no means to check whether the Annual Financial Statements are indeed a materially correct reflection of the actual state of affairs of the company. Shareholders require some assurance by an independent and suitably qualified person that the Annual Financial Statements are indeed materially correct – this is the function of the auditor.

Current legislation (Companies Act of Namibia – Act 28 of 2004) requires that all companies in Namibia are to be subject to audit on an annual basis. Annual financial statements, including audit report, are to be approved and authorized for issue by the board of directors.

We at PKF–FCS Auditors perform these assurance services and put shareholders minds at rest, that the Annual Financial Statements not only are a materially fair reflection of the actual state of affairs at the company, but we also ensure that the latest international financial reporting standards have been applied. By adopting international audit techniques and technologies, we not only lend significant credibility to your financial reports, but offer an efficient, cost-effective service to our clients. With PKF-FCS Auditors, you have peace of mind.